William Bennett

From market shortages to side jokes about celebrities, GLP-1 medications are enjoying a lengthy time in the spotlight. And for good reason—the use of GLP-1s has increased twofold over the past decade alone1, with one in eight adults reporting they have taken a GLP-1 according to recent tracking polls2. Additional studies have observed a 132.6% increase in the use of GLP-1s simply between 2022 and 20232.

But beside their increasing popularity, it stands to question—are GLP-1s worth it? Should you be looking into including these weight management medications in your health plan, or pass over them as another fad?

We’d recommend against the latter. Just as it’s difficult to ignore the popularity of GLP-1s, it’s also difficult to ignore the potential benefits of using them. From employee health to organizational productivity to healthcare costs, GLP-1 medications have the potential to revolutionize weight management and dramatically impact an organization.

The Impact on Health

GLP-1s are primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes, making them a necessary medication for some. Beyond that, they can also provide a solution for those struggling with weight issues, aiding in glucose control, weight loss, and helping reduce the risk of comorbidities such as heart disease. GLP-1s can also improve metabolic health, which can then lead to reduced stress and better overall health. Even aiding in weight loss alone makes GLP-1s a powerful health tool, as it safeguards from obesity-related health issues such as joint problems and sleep apnea. The health benefits alone can make GLP-1s a valuable complement in an employer’s health plan—factor in improved employee energy levels and fewer sick days, and they become even more valuable.

This leads us to our next point: the impact of GLP-1s on long-term health.  Just as they do for short-term health benefits, GLP-1s hold significant potential for improving long-term health. The effects of better glucose control, supported weight loss, and improved metabolic health can lower the risk of developing serious health complications, including cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, and more. Ultimately, GLP-1s not only have the potential to improve individual health outcomes, but to support sustained wellness across an entire organization.

The Impact on Rising Healthcare Costs

As we outlined, GLP-1s can lead to a number of positive impacts on employee health, both short-term and long-term. Naturally, improved health across an entire organization also has the potential to impact that organization’s healthcare costs. While GLP-1s might seem daunting due to their initial high costs, they are posed to considerably reduce rising healthcare costs in the long-term. Simply look at the cost of the health issues GLP-1s stand to resolve. In the past few years, reports have shown that diabetes alone costs the U.S. an annual $412.9 billion4. The costs of obesity and chronic conditions are also significant drivers of healthcare costs. By improving employee health and lowering the risk of developing other conditions, GLP-1s can help reduce hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and other expensive medical treatments.

GLP-1 medications are still a bit of a new development, so it’s natural that people are hesitant to embrace them. However, the potential benefits of introducing GLP-1s to an employee benefit plan should not be ignored. And as the industry continues to advance, it’s possible that the intimidating prices of GLP-1s will fall in turn. Until then, however, the potential for lower healthcare claims, reduced disability costs, and a decrease in long-term complications far outweighs the upfront costs of GLP-1s.

Healthier employees mean better engagement, improved health, and lowered healthcare expenses—and by investing in their employees’ health, employees are more than likely to see an overwhelmingly positive return.

  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/07/22/glp-1s-are-growing-in-popularity-as-weight-loss-drugs-but-losing-steam-among-diabetics-study-suggests/
  2. https://www.kff.org/health-costs/poll-finding/kff-health-tracking-poll-may-2024-the-publics-use-and-views-of-glp-1-drugs/
  3. https://www.massgeneralbrigham.org/en/about/newsroom/press-releases/study-finds-bariatric-surgery-declined-with-rise-in-glp-1-drugs#:~:text=Researchers%20documented%20a%20132.6%25%20increase,in%20patients%20undergoing%20bariatric%20surgery.
  4. https://diabetes.org/newsroom/press-releases/new-american-diabetes-association-report-finds-annual-costs-diabetes-be


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